Birds In My Neighborhood - Volunteers needed 2023
Chicago Audubon Society is partnering with Openlands on the Birds in my Neighborhood Program.
If you
-are comfortable volunteering around kids,
-enjoy spending time outside,
-are willing to help students learn about birds
This program may be for you!
Openlands is seeking volunteers to inspire the next generation of birders. Birds in My Neighborhood (BIMN) is a program that has helped more than 10,000 students from the Illinois region see nature in their community through the observation of birds. Volunteers help run the program by facilitating the BIMN curriculum and by working with teachers to schedule two classroom visits and a field trip to a local natural area. Volunteers are not required to be experienced birders. Volunteer opportunities are open to all. Chicagoans from the South and West sides are especially encouraged to apply.
Visit for more information and to apply. You will be paired with an experienced volunteer so that you can learn about this rewarding program for elementary school children. Your team will accompany a class for two classroom sessions and two field trips to nearby areas. Curriculum materials are provided by Openlands. You just need to bring your enthusiasm and love of young people.
photo credit: Openlands Birds in My Neighborhood