Bird Friendly Chicago - Moving Forward for Birds

Chicago Audubon Society, Chicago Bird Collision Monitors, Chicago Ornithological Society and the Illinois Ornithological Society - working together as Bird Friendly Chicago - are advising Chicago's Planning Department on the implementation of the city policy for bird-friendly design requirements.

New projects and renovations that are approved through the Planning Department will need to meet building standards that make structures safer for birds. Bird Friendly Chicago is creating a guide to explain, illustrate and instruct architects, city planners and developers on how standards can be implemented and where they will apply.

Once the Planning Department finalizes how the bird-friendly design policy will be administered and applied, the requirements will go into effect.

As more developments around our city incorporate bird-friendly designs and products, we hope they will serve as examples of how easily any new or existing building can reduce collision risks for birds with attractive, sustainable and affordable features.

Let's have a beautiful city that can safely host millions of beautiful migrating birds each year!